


Saturday, April 28, 2018

#PoemOfTheDay- Draining future

#PoemOfTheDay- Draining future

The future is draining
The black future is draining
Men With sugar coated tongues
Are our representatives
With interest  on overfilled pockets

The ideology of crispy mints
As infested the youths
Honesty and loyalty
Is  seen as folly

Eve as given Adam the apple
Once again in the twentieth century
They talk about sharing the national cake
The cake is eaten by those who bake it

They call it campaign
No it isn't
It's a competition
Of exhibiting garrulous traits

The change era is here
Accompanied by increased penury
The bittersweet feeling
Of a doubtful assured future
Occupies the mind of the loyal

The future is draining
Draining like raindrops
From the rooftops
They'll say they love us
Do they?
No, they love their pockets

The vicious bite of hunger
Is digging deep into the depths of the skin
Yet sympathy is missing
In their characteristics

The future is draining
Let's remember the beginning5

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