


Friday, February 22, 2019

INEC introduces eReporter for voters to monitor elections

The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has introduced an easier way for Nigerians to monitor the forthcoming elections through an eReporter mobile application.
With the eReporter, which is an electronic reporting tool designed for incidence and situation reporting during the electoral process, Nigerians can report happenings and observations around them directly to INEC in a safe and simple procedure.
Speaking on the introduction of the mobile application, the Commission said, “INEC is constantly exploring ways to conduct free and fair elections across the nation. We have a mandate to ensure that the will of Nigerians prevail in our electoral processes. This is why we introduced the eReporter application to give Nigerians more power and inclusiveness in the voting process.
“With the eReporter application, we can get live updates and situation reports from voters anywhere in the country in real time for immediate action.” This introduction comes in the wake of the postponement of the Presidential elections initially slated for Saturday, February 16.
According to INEC, “Everyone has a role to play to achieve the necessary e-support for our voting system. Together, we will achieve an election process of global standard that will serve as an example to other African countries.”
INEC further revealed that “With the eReporter application, voters can report card reader malfunction, registration failure, ballot snatching, election violence, INEC officials, vote buying, result manipulation, breach of security and other observations.
“Nigerians deserve a transparent and credible electoral process and INEC is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that the forthcoming elections are free and fair.”
The eReporter application is currently available for download on all Android and iOS devices.

Read » INEC introduces eReporter for voters to monitor elections on YNaija

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