The oldest living man in Umunainyem kindred, Umudisi village, Abacha in Idemili North LGA of Anambra state has passed away at the age of 116. A member of the community Godwin Ofoedu, announced the death on Sunday night."Rip to the oldest man in my kindred umunainyem kindred umudisi village Abacha In idemili north LGA of Anambra state. he.s d oldest in my ancient community abacha the oldest in Anambra state at large. at the ripe age of 116 yrs old. Lord pls help me to reach dis ripe age. Sleep well our brother and father. I miss you" he wroteThe post Oldest man in Anambra community dies at age 116 appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.
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Oldest man in Anambra community dies at age 116
Monday, March 2, 2020 | March 02, 2020
Last Updated
Oldest man in Anambra community dies at age 116